Stitching Sole, an indication of first-rate hand stitched shoes, carries the mission to pass down the exquisite craftsmanship of shoemaking in Taiwan. It is our hope that Taiwan will rank among the most world-famous shoemaking countries.
Hand sewing had always been the main approach in the shoemaking industry before the time of the Indus-trial Revolution. When machines began to involve in the process of shoemaking, which satisfied people’s demand quickly, the products made by machines, how-ever, also lost the “warmth” and “beauty” glowing in artisanship. In Stitching Sole, shoemakers with more than ten years of experience spends approximately 40 hours to make a pair of hand-sewn leather shoes. They begin from cutting the leather, choosing the vamp, making even stitching, sewing the vamp and the outsole, burnishing and tanning the leather sole and the heel to shaping a pair of shoes. Making a pair of hand sewn leather shoes requires many technical skills and takes a great deal of time, which is why hand sewn shoes are often regarded as works with refined and first-rate handicraft.
The core value of Stitching Sole is the combination of modern shoe design and exquisite craftsmanship. We employ “layering” and “stacking” to the design of the three different shoe lasts in our 15AW collection, creating streamlined shape through layering and aesthetical visual effect with leather stacking.
Come and try out shoes at Stitching Sole's first shop located at 1F., No. 2, Aly. 46, Ln. 553, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Stitching Sole創立於2015年,致力於將流線型設計帶入皮鞋設計中,並結合頂級手縫工藝,製作出獨特且耐穿的皮鞋為品牌核心價值,讓顧客藉由訂製服務創造出屬於自已的獨特鞋款。
Stitching Sole 目前提供的Ready-To-Wear 鞋款以及MTM、MTO、Bespoke等訂製服務,與市面上本土皮鞋品牌的差異為 (1)楦型、(2) 版型與 (3)製鞋結構作區別。
以楦型來說,Stitching Sole專注開發適合亞洲人的楦型,讓寬腳的顧客也能買到好看且合腳的皮鞋,此外也有提供Bespoke訂製服務,讓需要使用訂製鞋墊的顧客能訂製可使用該鞋墊的皮鞋。
以版型來說,市面上的皮鞋款式為節省成本使用同種公版,導致款式都大同小異,Stitching Sole致力於開發獨一無二的鞋款,投資許多時間精力甚至經費在版型開發上,每一個款式開發後,要放版型8-10個尺吋以上,才能有效率的縮短MTO量腳訂製的時間。
最後以製鞋結構來說,市面上本土品牌鞋底因成本考量大部份是以黏合為主,而一般製程所需要的時間從低至高為黏合->大底車內線->機縫固特異->手縫布雷克與外翻縫等製程。Stitching Sole 所有的鞋款都是縫製的,即使經過長時間穿著,與台灣潮濕天氣考驗,仍不會有鞋面與鞋底開口笑的狀況,並且也方便換底維修以延長鞋子本身的耐用性。
Email: Jenmau.liau@gmail.com